Affiliate Membership Application


This application is for Affiliate Membership with Southeast Missouri REALTORS®. There is a $75 one-time application fee. The annual fee for affiliate membership with the Southeast Missouri REALTORS® is $150 per year for the first member (the primary contact and organization) and $25 per additional member (Affiliate Additional), membership fees are prorated monthly upon application. An Affiliate Additional application will need to be filled out for each additional member of the organization.

If you have a need for electronic key access to properties listed by Southeast Missouri REALTORS®, please also check mark the box next to "Affiliate eKey Subscription." This service is only available to inspectors and media, proof of Commercial and Professional Liability Insurance will be required. 

Your application must be approved by Southeast Missouri REALTORS® Staff and Board of Directors. All fees will be returned in the event membership is denied.

Select An Option

Use this option to join if you are the primary contact for the organization; this application will serve as both you and your organization's membership application to Southeast Missouri REALTORS®. 

Use this option if you are an individual seeking membership under a company that currently retains membership with Southeast Missouri REALTORS®. 

This application is intended for those affiliates who have a need for electronic key access to properties listed by Southeast Missouri REALTORS®. *Note: In order to apply for an eKey, you must also be applying as an Affiliate or Affiliate Additional.

Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist